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Summer 2020 in Romania

Summer looks quite different this year for us and yet it has been busy and fruitful! With the state of the pandemic and Romania’s cases continuing to rise (we have about 1,000 new cases reported each day), we have not been able to run summer camps at Camp Falcon Rock nor in the villages. This has been a sad reality and yet we have seen God’s grace and activity in the midst of it.

With no programs at the camp, it has allowed our team to focus more fully on the main lodge project. As we look at the giant hole dug out for the foundation, we’re a little relieved that we don’t have kids running around the property at the moment! The team has been prepping the ground since the beginning of July and over the last couple of weeks a local company we’ve contracted has been assembling the rebar that will be used in the footings and foundation of this massive building. The crew has begun to dig trenches for the lodge footings as we are hoping to get the concrete poured in there in the next week. We’re still on track to have this building “in the red” (foundation, bricks, roof complete) by this winter. Recently we made a video giving a virtual tour of the camp and an update on all that has been developed. You can watch it by clicking the link below.