Covid-19 Update from Romania

Allow us to begin by saying that each of you are in our thoughts and prayers during these uncertain days. On our end, we feel like this update is a little late in being sent out, however, with the ever changing reality of the global situation it has been difficult to know what our tomorrow even looks like and so difficult to know what to communicate. I am sure many of you are experiencing this similar reality as schools, work, churches and public gatherings continue to be cancelled or postponed until further notice.
Over the last few weeks as the virus began to spread throughout Europe and into Romania, ministry events were able to continued on. We continued to run youth programs, preach at church services & evangelistic meetings, and we were preparing for the arrival of North American spring construction teams. However, all of this came to a halt a week ago as Romania began to close its borders, asked all churches, school and public institutions to cease meeting and Covid-19 cases began to escalate. With Europe presently being the epi-centre of the Covid-19 pandemic, and Romania on the tipping point of being the next Italy, we have struggled to discern and decide what our call is during this difficult and uncertain season.
Despite all the signs that indicated that the situation in Romania (and around the world) would get much worse before it gets better, compounded by the words of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau urging all Canadian citizens to return to Canada, we felt a strong call to remain in Romania. All we can say is that this call is the Lord’s leading to remain faithful and stay strong despite the ongoing storm around us. Recently I was preaching from Matthew 8 and I noticed the connection between Jesus’ call for his disciples to “follow” and his subsequent leading of these same disciples into the storm. Even though the storm was not a pleasant experience for these disciples, I am certain Jesus was fully aware of the storm he was leading them into. There is no question we have entered a season where the storm rages on around us. The challenge is will we remain faithful, will we focus on the one who “even the winds and waves obey (Mt. 8:27).”

For us this means remaining in Romania! We have moved up to the camp in case roads get shut down as being up here allows us to be more hands on with camp development during this season. We have a number of projects on the go. We are in the process of converting an old potato shed into a new cabin that will allow us to host 12 more campers per week. We are building patio spaces and retaining walls around the cabins. As well as we are looking to start the main lodge development in June. If the conditions allow it, we will return to the village during the weekends to meet with our youth and some of our church members. Even with the uncertainty of the days, weeks and months ahead, we are moving forward with planning for a full summer of camps at Camp Falcon Rock. Lord willing, our fall season is already booked with conferences and events at the camp that we are already beginning to prepare for.
Even though we do not know what tomorrow has in-store for us, we are confident in the promises of the one who leads us into the days ahead. We covet your prayers into this season as we continue to follow the Lord’s leading into the storm. We would also ask that if the Lord is leading would you come behind Camp Falcon Rock during this time. Without having North American construction teams partner with us this spring and the inability to host groups at this moment, we are seeking partners to continue to financially support the camp as this will allow development and preparation for the summer to continue.
To support the on-going development at the camp you can give online via the NAB: Canadian Partners American Partners
Thank you and God bless,
Paul & Tanya