The Gerickes
The Gerickes have been married since 2010 and felt a strong call to move in Romania in 2011. In 2012 they spent time in Romania with the Hungarian Baptist Convention of Romania (HBC) and the camp board. It was decided at this time that they would work alongside the camp board and HBC in developing the camp property that was purchased in 2000. Together they envisioned a camp that would see effective evangelism, discipleship, youth leadership development, and recreation. They moved to Romania in 2014 and have loved serving alongside the Hungarian Camp Falcon Rock team. However before getting married they also had strong calls to missions in their lives leading them to this choice.

Paul was a part of mission teams to Romania from a young age as well as has led his own mission teams to Romania. His first trip was in 2000 when he was in Grade 8. A pastor in Romania spoke into his life at that time and said that one day he would preach in Romania and he was right. Paul continued to go to Romania and begun leading his own mission teams. He also lived in Romania for 3 months in 2008. Throughout all of Paul’s experiences, it was clear to him that God wanted him to do a bigger mission in Romania. After taking Tanya on a couple of trips to Romania, it is clear that the project God has led both of them to is the camp ministry.
Tanya grew up in a missionally focused family who spent every second summer leading youth mission trips to Ensenada, Mexico. She has been a team member, leader and coordinator of over 9 Mexico trips. She also spent some time in Rwanda, Africa leading VBS programs and helping with house building projects. Tanya felt a call to missions and was planning to go on a longer termed mission project on her own but instead God led her to her wonderful husband Paul! On their first trip to Romania in 2011, she felt a strong call to missions there as she witnessed a huge potential for leadership development through leading VBS programs and seeing the camp property.