Summer Programs!
Hello Everyone!
Wow—it seems that every spring/summer, time speeds up here in Romania! June and July especially, have flown by and we’ve enjoyed the many opportunities we’ve been gifted with for youth ministry. Before stepping into this busy season, I was giving a verse from the Lord. Isaiah 30:15a “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength”. It seemed like an interesting verse to me as I was gearing up for a busy season. Yet God humbled me, reminding me that it is through Him alone that His Kingdom will be built and only in trusting and resting in Him that I can be His tool! God was faithful as we saw Him move powerfully over the past month!
We began to receive our volunteers for the summer VBS programs at the end of June. We were blessed to have 4 individual volunteers come from both Lakeview Heights Baptist Church in Kelowna as well as Terwillegar Community Church in Edmonton. All four ladies were an incredible help in preparing and running our VBS programs. They also joined us as we trained 13 of the teens from our village to be volunteers with our programs this year. It was encouraging to see the teens that attend English class step up as leaders—and even translate! We are sure that these teens have never received any leadership training before. It was an incredible opportunity for us to teach and discuss about how to be a leader for Christ and dig deeper into our VBS theme "Jesus is the Light" and we are to live as His light!