December in Romania!
December in Romania!
We understand that we are midway into January and are just now updating you on December, but the busy holiday season in Romania did not give us a lot of time to sit and reflect. As we’ve finally had time to think about December, there is no other way to describe our experiences other than to call it a month of inspiration! We had the opportunity to meet with different organizations and people in Romania who are doing amazing Kingdom advancing work. The stories we heard inspired us to not only see the incredible ways in which God is already working here but also to dream and think about how God will use Camp Falcon Rock with many of these existing ministries. From our experiences, we have learned more about the Christian movement among young people and the types of ministries needed to see lives changed. Here are the stories that inspired us:
Radic-te A free concert that saw over 10,000 young people packed into an arena. Over 300 singers and musicians lead this event, accompanied by a powerful message of God’s love and grace. This event was envisioned by a Romanian pastor who, had a dream 6 years ago to start a church that reached out, inspired and discipled young people. A part of this dream was to organize annual Evangelistic concerts. He currently pastors a church of 100 people that has found a way to run this incredible event.