30 degrees--I guess it's summer!

Happy summer everyone! Yes I said summer… it’s currently 30 DEGREES here!! It's been an incredibly hot spring for us. Farmers have finished seeding but the soil dried up quite a bit so they're praying for rain. We also managed to plant our potatoes, onions and root veggies and now are waiting for that rain to come!

Do you remember the youth leaders conference that took place in October at the camp? Where 25 young people came out to learn about what it means to disciple youth? Well that same group came back to run another conference this past month. This time there were 44 young people who came—it doubled in size! The leader said for the next one we just need to tell him how many beds we'll have and he'll fill them. We hope next time we’ll have enough accommodation space to double in size again. Getting ready for the retreat was an incredibly unifying moment for our team. Everyone came together to get the farmhouse finished. We were literally working up until the moment the group arrived. During that weekend Paul and I were invited to teach a session for the conference. We were able to discuss mentorship and discipleship based ministry for youth. The whole weekend was a praise-God moment. We felt the Spirit moving powerfully as we saw the work at the farmhouse come together and as we saw the youth leaders gather for teaching and fellowship. Praise God for the work he is already doing through the Camp Falcon Rock ministry!

We were blessed to have an “Alberta farmer team” serve with us at the camp. The team helped build a large patio in front of our existing building to give us an outdoor meeting space. Along with that, they helped us build a woodshed and finish some painting projects. The team also spent some time encouraging and connecting with the farmers in our village. In addition to all of this, the team helped us run a youth event. We had around 80 young people come out for a worship night. It was one of those moments where again we felt the Spirit working and brining people closer to God. After the event we had the opportunity to connect with a lot of the youth and continue to encourage them in their faith.

As we said goodbye to the farmer team at the airport, Paul and I jumped on a flight to Sioux Falls, SD. We spent a week at Sioux Falls seminary for an intensive to work on our masters. It was a great time of learning and connecting with other ministry leaders. Next we jumped on a plane to Winnipeg to speak at Rowndale Baptist’s mission conference. We had a full weekend of sharing! We shared at the youth event Friday night, a dessert function on Saturday and then at the kids as well as adult Sunday School. Sunday morning Paul was able to preach about mission and calling looking at Abraham's story. We were so encouraged by the congregation and their support of the ministry of Camp Falcon Rock.
Now we are currently in Budapest waiting for our next mission team from Central Baptist, Edmonton. They will be helping us with some more of our construction projects at the camp to get us ready for summer programs. Please pray for this team's safety on the job site and for energy as we push through a busy schedule. Thank you for all of your support, encouragement and prayers! Tanya and Paul